To better connect leaders with members and members with other members, we encourage you to consider participation in the following social media options.

Church Center ( We use Church Center as our primary means of communication within Pillar Jacksonville. You do not need to be a member to be included. Download the Church Center App from your preferred App Store. Complete the registration process, including a phone number for text messages, an e-mail address, and an optional personal photo. Wait for approval by church leadership (maybe a day or two). Once your registration has been approved you will have access to the Pillar Calendar, Community Groups, Online Giving, and a Member Directory. You will also be able to receive text messages and e-mails from church leadership.

Pillar Jacksonville Website ( Our public website provides information visitors and prospective members would be looking for in advance of an actual visit. Our members will also find the information helpful, especially the calendar, recorded sermon library, links to our Apple podcasts as well as to our Spotify, Instagram, and Facebook pages. No login required.

Pillar Jacksonville Facebook and Instagram We host a public Facebook ( and Instagram page ( Both pages invite you to “follow,” but neither allow “joining.” We consider these two pages as our social media outreach effort. Please share the links with friends and family. They will primarily focus on upcoming events and pictures of past events.
There is also a Pillar Jax Members Only Facebook page ( We use this page to share information with our members and to allow them to share information and requests with each other. Members can request to ‘Join” this page. Church leadership will review and approve member requests.

Planning Center ( This website is ONLY for Pillar Jax members who have been added to serve in a volunteer capacity in a ministry such as Greeter, Worship Team, Community Group leader, or Childcare worker). Church leadership uses this site to manage worker schedules and other administrative functions of the church.