Women at Pillar Jacksonville have the opportunity to attend a weekly Bible study on Monday nights, as well as a once a quarter Ladies’ Night Out event that the Women’s Ministry Team hosts. 

Keep an eye out on Church Center for other organic meetups that the ladies decide to go do. 

When: Mondays 6:30-8:00PM Starting February 3rd.

Where: Pillar Church Downstairs Classroom

Who: Kendra Armstrong 

What:  Join fellow ladies from Pillar Jax as we go through Colossians together, verse by verse. 

All you need is your Bible, a pen, and a willingness to learn to study scripture. Study guide pages will be provided for ladies to use for note taking. 

There is no Childcare available for these events.


On Friday mornings, starting February 7th, Carrie Brown will be hosting a ladies group in her home and going through the book “Gospel Mom” by Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler.

Children and babies are welcome at this gathering.

For more information, see Carrie Brown at church.

Women’s Ministry Fellowship Events

Women of Pillar Jax, Topsail, Havelock, Norfolk, and Fayetteville… MARK YOUR CALENDARS and Save the Date!!!
A truly special event, the Adorn Women’s Retreat, is coming up on April 4-5th and you won’t want to miss it!
This incredible weekend will be a time focused on growing in your walk with Christ, deepening your relationships with other women in the Pillar community through fellowship and mutual encouragement, and recharging by stepping away from the busyness of everyday life.
This will be for women who are 18 (and graduated from high school) and up to 118 years old.
Location will be in the Greenville area.
Sign up’s will be closing on March 3rd. Anyone who registers after then will be put on a waitlist.